It doesn't pay to say there's no Devil and no demons and no such thing as evil, sin, or sickness, and just try to ignore the facts. It would be like trying to ignore that you have a disease when you've really got it, because as long as you have it and try to hide it, you can't very well find the remedy.
King David once said, "I will not give unto the Lord that which hath cost me nothing!" (2Sam.24:24) It doesn't really count until it costs you something to give, and you are really sacrificing to give, and when you can say, "The love of Christ constraineth me!" (2Cor.5:14)
Remember the little widow who gave her last two mites? When Jesus saw it, He said that she had given even more than the rich, who had only cast in a little of their abundance! Although the smallest of all coins, only part of a penny, it was ALL she had and the Lord gave her more credit than He did them, by indicating that she had given more than they, because she had given all she had--even more than it seemed she should!--And the Lord honoured her for it! (Mk.12:42-44)
"Give and it shall be given unto you." (Lk.6:38)--That has never failed! That is a law of God, more sure than the law of gravity. You can even cast in all your living and still not hurt because God will bless you for it. If your motive is right and your intentions are good and pure, God will bless you for giving, and honour and prosper you for it!
How much has it cost you? Does it hurt? Are you really giving sacrificially to God and His work of Love?
Deep Truths is a collection of the basic teachings of David Brandt Berg who was my pastor for 20 years and who led me on a path of service for Jesus Christ and showed me how to love God and others. I have been a missionary for Christ in Japan from 1974 to the present with the exception of 4 years in other countries, specifically Russia, China, Estonia and Poland. My hope is this website will inspire and feed God's sheep.
You probably won't hear some of these teachings in any public school or church! It is my earnest desire that by reading these articles you will have a major paradigm shift in your life to perceive reality the way your Creator wants you to perceive it! For more information, please see the About Page
Are you new to Deep Truths?
The following is a suggested reading list to introduce you to the teachings of David Brandt Berg. I guarantee that you'll either love or hate what he has to say!
Deep Truths is dedicated to the Bible based teachings of David Brandt Berg (1919-1994), with the hope that from them you may find eternal spiritual life in Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Deep Truths was first created on Jan. 5, 2004 in Niigata Japan. It is not an official web site of The Family International. By not "official", I mean it is not directly sponsored by the Family International World Services. Most of the articles on Deep Truths are publications from the Family International, but some of the opinions stated in the introduction to the articles are those of the webmaster, James Arendt. From January 2017 I have begun to post some different views and interpretations of Scripture that are not based on David Berg or the Family International's teachings.
The present site layout HTML/CSS code is from Beginner’s Guide To: Building HTML5/CSS3 Webpages and was created in February 2017 to make it mobile device friendly.
Read about the tools and method used to make Deep Truths.