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Deep Truths
"...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
--1 Corinthians 2:10b Mo Letters from David Berg and the Children of God / The Family

Bible Basics

These are a series of Bible Studies with short comments interspersed. All Scriptures are from the authorised tried and proven King James 1611 version.
  1. The Original Set Card of the Children of God
  2. Compilation of Key Bible Verses
  3. Salvation
  4. Jesus Christ the Son of God
  5. The Holy Spirit
  6. The Word of God
  7. Prayer
  8. Faith
  9. Love and Forgiveness
  10. Our Relationship with the Lord
  11. Fellowship
  12. Witnessing
  13. Giving
  14. How to Find the Will of God!
  15. Obedience to God
  16. Strength and Power
  17. Protection
  18. God's supply of all our needs
  19. Trials, temptations and tribulations
  20. Suffering
  21. Comfort
  22. Healing from illness
  23. Overcoming The Devil
  24. Fear Not
  25. Thankfulness
  26. Pride, Self-righteousness and Humility
  27. The Power Of The Tongue
  28. Unity among brethren in Christ
  29. Discipleship of Jesus Christ
  30. The Christian's Relationship To Worldly Society
  31. Persecution of the followers of Jesus Christ
  32. Backsliding
  33. Christianity in Crisis
  34. The Law of Christ
  35. Creation vs. Evolution
  36. The Last Days! Signs of the Times!
  37. Marriage and the home
  38. Children
  39. Sleep
  40. Old age

For more Bible studies, also see Bible Topics


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