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Deep Truths
"...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
--1 Corinthians 2:10b Mo Letters from David Berg and the Children of God / The Family


--by David Brandt Berg


NO WONDER THEY DON'T WANT TO GO HOME to what amounts to not much more than a rooming house where they seldom see each other and are alone in their rooms most of the time listening lonesomely to a radio, or sweating it out over superfluous and superficial studies! No wonder they would rather have the sweet love, singing, harmony and fellowship and co-operation and sharing of one of our homey Colonies than to endure the selfishness, contention, confusion and vain wrangling and jangling and fussing and fighting of the average modern so called home! No wonder kids leave home today in search of peace! They're looking for somewhere to get out of the madhouse and rat-race of modern "living" into the peace and quiet and harmony of the country and back-to-nature living with the love and companionship of those of like mind!

BESIDES THIS WONDERFUL HAPPINESS OF FAMILY LIFE, LOVE AND CO-OPERATION THAT OUR COLONIES AFFORD, they are also given an opportunity to feel needed, wanted, and have a purpose in living, someone to live for, someone else to love and help and be loved and helped!

TO SAY THAT THE REASON THEY PREFER TO STAY WITH US THAN TO GO HOME IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED, DRUGGED, HYPNOTIZED, AND IMPRISONED IS, OF COURSE, RIDICULOUS! But, of course, even if it were true, it would be nothing to the way that they have been kidnapped from their homes by the laws of compulsory school attendance; drugged to damnation by modern, Godless, and useless public education; hypnotized by TV, movies, magazines, and modern music; and imprisoned by modern curfews, child labor laws, parental jurisdiction laws, minimum marriage age laws, minor's laws, and draft regulations and military bondage! These have made our modern children virtual prisoners and slaves of the average home, school, and the military for at least a third of their lives!--This is freedom and liberty and equality?--It's slavery and death!--Bondage, slavery and death for a System they did not create but are forced to live for and die for whether they like it or not! This is Hell on Earth, and they're not going to tolerate it much longer!


AND THE CHURCH?--HA!--THE SO-CALLED CHURCH, to most young people, to about 99 out of 100 of them, is just an absolute ridiculous laugh!--A little holier-than-thou, do-gooder, social club and status symbol for the self-righteous, sanctimonious, pharisaical, superannuated hypocrites!--a useless, ineffective, weak and ludicrous, dead and dying, paganistic hangover from the superstitious past!--That's what most of your young people think of your churches! In fact, many of them are inclined to agree with the Communists, that so-called religion is nothing but an opiate for the people, a drug to which the System has addicted them to keep them pacified and under the control of the powers that be!--And they're certainly not far wrong, are they?

EVEN I, A STAUNCH, CONFIRMED DEFENDER OF THE FAITH AND CHURCHMAN OF THE CLOTH OF THE PAST COULD NOT HELP BUT SEE that the Church bore no more resemblance to Jesus and His disciples and the Early Christians than Capitalism does to Communism! Even I, whose very existence depended on the Church, could see that it was not what Jesus intended nor what God ordained nor the kind of a Church that could win the world and save mankind from destruction, much less set an example for a full life of satisfying Christian service and healthful, happy living!

YET I WAS SO CONCERNED ABOUT THE SOULS OF MEN THAT I DID EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO BRING THE CHURCH TO ALL MANKIND, even outside of its customary sacred precincts, by showing religious pictures and putting on religious musicals in non-sectarian places such as the streets, the parks, the schools, the community halls, and even the hotels and bars in order to try to reach the 99 percent of the unreached who are still outside the forbidding walls of those cold and austere mausoleums for the dead, called churches!

I WAS MODERATELY SUCCESSFUL IN THESE EXTERIOR EFFORTS, frequently condemned by my religious peers and superiors, but my converts outside of those sepulchers full of dead men's bones, for some reason or other did not want to follow me back into their confines, gloom, and putrid stench of religious corruption, but for some reason or other preferred to remain free in the great outdoors, as free men, still longing to breathe free air! Can you blame them? They were not accustomed to being prisoners of the shibboleths of the Sanhedrin, not constricted by the tortures of empty ceremonialism, nor bound by the chains of the ungodly traditions of men! Neither did they care for the conformity of dress and the styles of vanity nor the monotonous obligations of endless rituals and "services" and income taxes!

NO! GOD FORBID! THESE NEW FREE SOULS, THIS NEW BREED OF CHRISTIANS PREFERRED TO BE AND TO LIVE LIKE THOSE IN THE BEGINNING, like Jesus and His disciples, free and unhindered by the sabbatical laws and formal templism of a religious System that had not only lost its meaning, but its God in a lifeless, loveless, endless round of theological hairsplitting and hierarchical politics and going through the motions of beating the air and accomplishing nothing!

THESE NEW CHRISTIANS WANTED ONLY TO LOVE GOD AND THEIR FELLOWS and to worship Him in the limitless cathedral of His beautiful Creation and to fellowship in the freedom of His spirit and Truth! For, as Jesus said, "The Father seeketh such to worship Him!"

SO WHO NEEDS CHURCHES?--And who was I--or who are you--to try to force them back into the moldy molds of the coffins of the dead? Why not leave them free; why should they be made to conform to your pattern? They only need to follow the ordinances of God's Word! For, as Jesus said, the time now is that thou shalt worship the Lord thy God neither in this place nor in that temple, but they that worship Him shall worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him--not in temples made with hands!--And thou shalt love the Lord thy God...and thy neighbor as thyself!--These are the two greatest commandments, and herein are all the law and all the prophets! Hallelujah! These are our Golden Rules!

SO WE BEGAN TAKING THESE DISCIPLES INTO OUR OWN HOME as a part of our own family and teaching them how to follow the Lord and live for Him FULLTIME. The meaning of the word "disciple" comes directly from the Greek: "a follower of the teaching, a student". So our little home was actually a small Bible school filled with students following FULLTIME the teachings of the Bible, and it is from this that our work has grown, on the very same pattern, to the tremendous proportions of today!--Every Colony actually a little church or family of young Christians in their family home!--With a real family atmosphere!

THE WORD "CHURCH" ITSELF COMES FROM THE GREEK WORD "ECCLESIA" in our New Testaments and literally means, not a building nor a cathedral or a place of worship of any kind, neither synagogue nor temple, but actually "the called-out ones, or the separated ones, the set apart ones"--or dropouts! The Early Christians were the dropouts of their day, the hippies of their day, the rejects of society, the dregs of humanity as far as the rest of the world was concerned: drunks, harlots, publicans and sinners, whom Jesus said are going to enter Heaven instead of the self-righteous Pharisees, the hypocritical church leaders of His day!--And today!

THINGS HAVEN'T CHANGED MUCH TODAY AND THE HEARTS OF MEN ARE ABOUT THE SAME: WE STILL HAVE THE PHARISEES with us, those self-righteous fundamentalist legalistic puritanical, avaricious, and merciless church leaders of today who finally crucified Jesus and will crucify us if they can! We also have the Sadducees still with us: the modernistic, liberalistic, unbelieving, humanistic worshippers of man, wealth and higher learning. But we also have still with us, thank God, the poor publicans and sinners, drunks and harlots, the common people and the hippies for whom there is more chance of salvation than for all the others put together! From these latter poor, down-trodden, exploited, abused, misused, and persecuted classes of the poverty-stricken masses, of whom the Church has made merchandise, come most of the rebels, revolutionists and true Christians of today, who hear Jesus gladly!


THESE ARE THEY WHO FOLLOW US AND THE GENUINE REVOLUTION FOR JESUS today and who are leading the dropped-out youth of today's generation back to God and the Bible and the Love of Jesus and the simple life and work of the Early Christians. It is from the ranks of these that most of our disciples come, most of whom have already dropped out of society and home in heart or in mind or in spirit or literally and who already hate the money-mad, science-worshipping, earth-polluting, and hypocritical churchy System from which they have come! We did not teach them to hate it--they already hated it!--And some of you caused them to hate it by your own love and worship and addiction to its selfish, sickening, Godless materialism, the religion of this world!

ON THE CONTRARY, WE HAVE TRIED TO PERSUADE THEM TO FORGIVE YOU, THAT YOU KNOW NOT WHAT YOU DO, AND THEREFORE THEY SHOULD LOVE you, have compassion on you, and pity you for your plight! They are so sick of you and your System of living that it's hard for them to differentiate between the two: the fiendish System and its pitiful victims! We have to teach them the difference between hating the sin and loving the sinner; hating the vicious System, and pitying its poor victims.

NEARLY ALL OF OUR DISCIPLES ARE GROWN YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN OF LEGAL AGE TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY AND MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS and with a right to do as they please, with a few rare exceptions of very few underaged young people who must have notarized written parental permission to join us. These young people are not little children, as our enemies would have you believe, and who are continually trying to give the impression that we're snatching little kids from their parents, homes, and schools! This is not so! Most of our young people who join have already been away from home and at school, college, job, or in the military, or just drifting for some time before they come to us. Many of them have not even written home for years, and the first thing we beg them to do is to contact their loved ones or write to them, and nearly every Colony has a regular scheduled once-a-week letter-writing session set aside for this very purpose!

SO TO SAY THAT WE TRY TO SEPARATE "CHILDREN" FROM THEIR LOVED ONES IS RIDICULOUS! We have actually done more in most cases to bring them back together and once again into fellowship with and in communication with them than otherwise, as many of you know from experience. It has only been in the most exceptional cases where the parents have actually literally and illegally tried to forcibly and even violently interfere with their grown child's right to join us or where the parents have sometimes tried to kidnap their children by brute force and violence and against the grown young man or woman's will, that we've had to step in to protect our young people and have often had to call the law to protect us from such parental foolishness and dangerously illegal action!

ONLY IN A FEW EXTREME CASES, WHERE THE PARENTS HAVE THREATENED OR EVEN ATTEMPTED VIOLENT OR ILLEGAL ACTION against the young person or ourselves, have the young people themselves requested to be transferred to some other location out of danger of such action and so that the parents would no longer continue to harass, persecute and endanger the Colony. We have even often been advised to do this by the legal authorities themselves in order to avoid further unnecessary trouble with aggressive, selfish, jealous and over-possessive, over-protective parents, some of whom we've even had to put in jail! Beware!

SOME OF OUR ARCH ENEMIES AND LEADERS OF SO-CALLED FreeCOG HAVE ACTUALLY ATTEMPTED, AND SOMETIMES SUCCESSFULLY, TO ABDUCT THEIR YOUNG PEOPLE BY ILLEGAL KIDNAPPING FROM OUR MIDST! Some of these were even on occasions where the parents had promised and agreed not to take any such action if allowed to meet peacefully and alone with their son or daughter, but had promptly violated their rights at the first opportunity. These parents could actually have been legally prosecuted on charges of felonious assault, kidnapping and involuntary incarceration if their children had wanted to press charges, but they've usually been reluctant to do so, preferring simply to get away from their parents and keep their whereabouts unknown so their parents would no longer endanger them with such illegal action.

OF COURSE, SOME OF THESE SAME PARENTS WHO HAVE LIED, DECEIVED, USED VIOLENCE AND ILLEGAL FORCE AND ABDUCTION AND KIDNAPPING TACTICS to violate their own young person's grown rights as an adult--some of these same parents have accused us of the very actions of which they themselves have actually been guilty, whereas we have been innocent or they would have legally prosecuted us long ago, which they have not yet been able to do in one single case! They have not yet been able to prove any of their charges of drugs, kidnapping, hypnotizing, nor illegal incarceration, although the parents themselves have, some of them, been guilty of these very things in illegal attempts to force their children to leave us!

ONE FATHER WHO HAD BEEN VERY ACTIVE IN SUCH ILLEGAL ATTEMPTS and had accused us of kidnapping and hypnotism tried himself to kidnap his own daughter, and when she finally did visit home voluntarily, tricked her into going to a hypnotist to try to change her mind about us! Others, who have accused us of involuntarily imprisoning and drugging their children, have themselves brought arrest warrants for their children to have them put away under lock and key in mental institutions and heavily drugged in order to brainwash them of their new-found faith! So who is really guilty of these charges?--We, or some of you parents who have done these terrible things to your own children and then charged us with the very things of which you alone are guilty? The Devil always accuses God's saints of the very things which he himself is doing and of which his own people are guilty! This is like Hitler's advice to his henchmen to lie big when they lied so that people would be more apt to believe it, because they wouldn't think you dared tell such a big lie unless it were true!

THESE ARE SOME OF THE HORRIBLE TACTICS THAT SOME EVIL-POSSESSED ENEMIES OF GOD HAVE BEEN USING on us and their children and these are some of the lies they've been telling about us! As a result, we have been compelled in several cases to file criminal action and charges of felony and suits for damages against their libelous and slanderous attacks and preposterous defamations of character! These same parents, who themselves were guilty, have forced us to prosecute them to protect ourselves and put a stop to their lies, and we shall continue to do so long as necessary to protect their children, ourselves, the Lord's Work, and our good name! So far we have won every legal case in the courts, so I would advise such parents to desist and cease their costly, senseless, ridiculous, and illegal foolishness! Your children are now grown young men and women and have constitutional and legal rights to do as they please!--Don't try to stop them or us! We are legally incorporated as a non-profit religious and educational institution, and our operations and finances are above reproach and under the legal regulation and recognition of the State! Praise God!

SO IS IT ANY WONDER THAT THE PITIFULLY PERSECUTED AND ILLEGALLY ASSAULTED CHILDREN OF SUCH ATROCIOUS PARENTS SHOULD PREFER TO HAVE THEIR WHEREABOUTS REMAIN UNKNOWN TO THESE UNGODLY ENEMIES of the Children of God in order to avoid any further and unnecessary and even dangerous attacks of the enemy?--And with such insane parents on the loose, is it any wonder that the poor hounded leaders of some suffering Colonies prefer to be unseen, unknown, or at least out of the reach of such demented fiends who seemingly will stop at nothing illegal to vent their jealous wrath and evil vengeance on their poor children and us!


DO YOU WONDER THEN WHY I MYSELF, THE ORIGINAL FOUNDER and leader of the Movement, who, though I retired from active participation and administration due to ill health and a serious heart weakness some years ago, still prefer to remain unknown, anonymous, and in the utmost seclusion for both my health and safety's sake when there are crazy people like those we've described running around with guns in their hands actually threatening to kill me if they can find me because of their insane jealousy over their children who have a perfect legal right to be in our Colonies?

WHY DO MOST TOP BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND WORLD LEADERS PREFER TO REMAIN USUALLY INVISIBLE AND NEARLY INCOMMUNICADO as far as the general public is concerned except on the rarest occasions at which they are usually under tight security and heavy bodyguard because of their obvious enemies? And why do such recluses as the famous Howard Hughes prefer the anonymity and quiet seclusion of peaceful retirement and their whereabouts unknown as much as possible to the general public and particularly to their enemies rather than to have intrusions on their private lives and violations of their privacy by the curious public, news hounds, souvenir seekers, and dangerous enemies?--Especially when their health and safety and peace of mind are at stake!

MANY MEN AND PROPHETS OF GOD AS WELL AS LEADERS OF THIS WORLD HAVE SOUGHT PRIVACY AND QUIET SECLUSION FOR VARIOUS REASONS throughout history without being accused of being a fugitive from justice! There are no legal charges of any kind against me anywhere that I know of, and I have violated no laws of which I'm aware, or else I would have been notified of the same long before this, particularly by our enemies! So far, they have not only failed to find any justification or any evidence whatsoever of their evil imaginings sufficient to warrant prosecution; but they have also found it impossible to find any legal excuse to even file any kind of civil suit against me, or us, or their children, despite their constant boastings, lies, and rantings and ravings against us! Don't worry! If they could have found the slightest legal excuse with which to attack us in court they would have done so long ago, but their charges and boastings are nothing but malicious and vicious, libelous and slanderous lies!--Either pure fictional imaginations of their evil hallucinations, or a twisted, distorted and vile contortion of misrepresentation of some half-truth!

SO WHY SHOULD IT BE A MYSTERY TO ANYONE, UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES, THAT WE SHOULD PREFER TO KEEP OUR IDENTITY AND WHEREABOUTS AS UNKNOWN AS POSSIBLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC? It is not because we have done anything wrong or of which we are ashamed, although we are certainly not perfect, and some of these enemies of God may yet try to think of something for which they might endeavor to blame me, as the Devil's crowd always tries to do to God's Children!

BUT I HAVE BEEN IN SUCH COMPLETE RETIREMENT FOR THE SAKE OF MY HEALTH AND SAFETY for the past few years, in such total seclusion in order to spare my life from any unnecessary excitement which might precipitate another dangerous heart attack, that I have been nearly bed-fast, almost a shut-in, and virtually confined to my writings since my complete retirement from public life in 1970! I have not even been able to see one of our hundreds of Colonies since the founding of our first one--our first large one--in Texas! I have even been separated from my own children almost entirely, most of the time! Usually I have not even been where they could reach me by telephone, even in case of emergency! My own communication has been either by means of the mail or an occasional courier most of the time of my self-imposed exile--and even then, through such a complicated system of forwarding that even my own children usually do not know where I am! They themselves are willing to accept this in order to prevent any breach of my security, endangerment of my health and safety, or intrusion on my privacy. God bless them!

THIS HAS NOT BEEN AN EASY SEPARATION for us who were together most of our lives, so I can sympathize with some of you bereaved parents who have not seen much of your children since they joined the Children of God! I haven't seen them, either!--In fact, not as much as you have! So I should have greater cause to complain for the separation and the exile from home into which my health, safety, and writing--and even some of you--have forced me! So quit belly-aching! Some of you are behaving more like children than your own, who are behaving more like adults than you are! I'm sorry for you, even as I'm somewhat sorry for myself! But there's not much that either of us can do about it! I don't want to go home now and neither do your children!--And we're all adults now, so why don't you grow up and let them grow up!

THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING! IF YOU WANT TO READ GOD'S REASONS FOR IT, READ ONE OF THE NOW-FAMOUS MO LETTERS WHICH ARE ABOUT TO BE PUBLISHED and which some of you may have already received, and which if you haven't we'd be happy to send you in return for a small donation of not less than a dollar to cover the cost! The one I have in mind which may help you understand my present voluntary exile is entitled "I Gotta Split!" and explains the reasons for which God sent me away, not only for self-preservation, but to give us time to preserve in writing the things which God has shown us and taught us during our years of experience in His Work, in order to pass them on to our children to help them continue working successfully for Him!

AS THEY WEPT WHEN I FIRST LEFT, KNOWING I WOULD LIKELY NEVER RETURN ALIVE, I told them that I had given them a good start but was now unable to carry on in active participation and direct administration and they would have to lean more heavily on the Lord to lead them, care for them, guide and direct them, and bring them to victory in our worldwide Mission. I quoted them the Scripture, the warning of the great Rabbi Gamaliel of old to the enemies of the Early Christians: "If this work be of man (or only of me, in other words), it will come to naught!--But if it be of God, no man can stand against it!"--not even me or you!--no matter how much you try!


SO WHY DON'T SOME OF YOU LEAVE US ALONE IF YOU DON'T LIKE US?--Can't you believe God's Word and the advice of this great and wise Rabbi and trust God to take care of us one way or the other in His time? If this is merely my work and not of God, it's doomed to failure without your help or opposition!--But if of God, nothing can stop us!

SO WHY DON'T YOU SAVE YOURSELVES THE TROUBLE, TIME, ENERGY AND EXPENSE AND LEAVE US ALONE AND LET GOD DO WHATEVER HE'S GOING TO DO with us, good or bad?--It shouldn't take long to find out!--In fact, if you weren't so thick-headed and so woefully or willfully blinded by either the lies of others or your own stubbornness and lack of knowledge of the ways of the Lord, you surely would have seen long ago that these poor kids certainly never could have gotten this far this fast without the Lord's help! Even the whole world is RECOGNIZING the Jesus Revolution we started! Only a few of you stupid idiots are fighting it! It's about time you woke up! "Beware lest thou be found to fight against God!" You can't stop God's Rain of blessing!

OF COURSE, SOME OF YOU FOOLISHLY PROCLAIM THAT YOU'RE NOT FIGHTING THE KIDS--they're OK and doing a great job--which they are! God bless 'em!--and mostly without my help or yours, just the Lord's and a few of His friends! But you say you just want to destroy the kids' leadership! Now isn't that ridiculous!--When their original human founder and leader is nothing but a poor, retired, disabled war veteran, and you can't possible get at their Heavenly Leader, Jesus Christ!--and the kids themselves furnish nearly all of their own human leadership!

SO WHAT LEADERS DO YOU WANT TO DESTROY, AND WHY?--They've gotten along without me for years, and they'll never get along without God! So which leaders do you want to destroy, and how?--The poor little individual Colony leaders who are chosen from their own ranks and one of them themselves, and each one working independently and indigenously in his own community and only associated with the others in a non-organic spiritual fellowship? Who is it you hate so that you want to destroy or kill us as you threaten to do and claim you're bent on doing, you who are our declared and open bitter enemies? Who are you really fighting? You could kill any one of us, or even a lot of us, and God's Work would still go on, because He's our leader, and you can't lick Him no matter how hard you try! Your feeble and puny attacks against His Work are a laugh in His sight! He says He will laugh in the day of your calamity because you rejected His Word!

OR ARE YOU TRYING TO BE AS FOOLISH AS THE RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS who, after slaughtering millions of Christians and trying to stamp out the true Church of God in their midst, made a poster that I remember seeing as a lad showing climbing a ladder into Heaven saying: "We've wiped out the Church!--Now we're going to wipe out God!"--How silly can you get!--You can't even reach Him, you can't touch Him, because you have refused to love Him and believe Him!--And He's certainly not going to let you hurt many of his Children because He says: "Touch not the Lord's Anointed, nor do His prophets any harm!... For He that toucheth them toucheth the apple of mine eye!" In other words, you're trying to stick your finger in God's eye, and He won't like it, so you'd better leave Him and His Children alone! It won't work!

BESIDES, IF YOU SAY THE CHILDREN ARE SO GOOD AND THEY'RE DOING SUCH A GOOD WORK AND IT'S JUST THEIR LEADERSHIP THAT'S EVIL, how come God's Word says of leaders, "By their fruits ye shall know them!... And an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit!" So if the Children, our fruit, are so good, how can we, their leaders, then be evil?--This is, of course, impossible!--As He says that only a good tree can bring forth good fruit! So why are you attacking the tree that God has planted, to destroy both it and its fruit, unless you're enemies of God!

BESIDES, YOU CAN NEVER DESTROY US ALL, any more than the mighty Roman Empire, with all its valiant legions, could destroy the hunted little Christians of the Early Church! They were like the many-headed monster of mythology of which it was fabled that every time you cut off one of its heads two more grew up in its place! The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the true Church, and the more you kill, the more will take their place!--Because you cannot destroy the immortal!

EVEN THE RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS FOUND THEY COULD WIPE OUT NEITHER GOD NOR THE CHURCH and that the more they defied God and massacred His people, the more the Church grew in ardor and indomitable fervor and determination to survive and carry on! The Communist Society of the Godless finally, in frustration, decided the only way they could stamp out religion was to leave its adherents alone and let them die of their own lethargy and capture their children by a process of compulsory systematic, atheistic re-education--just as America's public educational system is doing today in its Godless schools under a corrupt and Godless Government, more anti-God than Russia could ever hope to be and more subtly anti-Christian in its hypocritical religion than the Communists themselves!

EVERY MARTYR THE ROMAN COOKED AT THE STAKE OR THREW TO THE LIONS ONLY INSPIRED FAITH IN MANY MORE BELIEVERS UNTIL ROME ITSELF WAS OVERTHROWN! Every martyr who has been slain for his Cause has only inspired many more to rise up and take his place! In spite of all the wrath of bestial atrocious man against the Children of God during the coming world wide devilish dictatorship of the Antichrist regime, which will war on God's saints throughout three-and-a-half years of a reign of terror called in the Bible the Great Tribulation, the forces of evil will never be able to completely destroy God's true Children, and multitudes of them will still be here to joyously welcome Christ's Triumphal Re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere to destroy God's enemies in great vengeance with a great and terrible slaughter!

SO WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU OBVIOUSLY ON WHEN YOU'RE AVOWEDLY TO DESTROY EITHER GOD'S CHILDREN OR THEIR LEADERS?--You're on the losing side, my dear enemies, and you will never be able to get the job done, no matter how many of us you try to destroy or what your excuses are for doing it! And even if you do succeed in destroying a few of us to immortalize us and inspire us, God will raise up many, many more to take each of our places! You're fighting a losing battle!--In fact, you will not only lose, but if you keep bothering us too much, God will even turn on you and destroy you! I've seen it happen!

THE WICKED EVEN HAVE A BUILT-IN MECHANISM FOR SELF-DESTRUCTION, and your hatred will bring you nothing but disease, misery, and death, as God's Word so clearly indicates: "The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that forget God!" And you'll go to Hell with them if you don't stop persecuting His people! And it won't be long before your Godless Nation is going to begin to feel the judgments of God! God has told us that your present "Great Society" shall come to travail and then bring forth Great Confusion, which will be authored by someone out of Egypt, with the help of another great Nation and some Eastern nations, and that very soon, through both the Reds and the Blacks! He has cautioned us to be prepared!--Are you?

I WOULD MUCH RATHER TEACH YOU HOW TO SURVIVE THAN TO SEE YOU SUFFER UNNECESSARILY OR EVEN DIE OF YOUR OWN NEGLECT! It might even pay you to leave the Country while God's judgments are being poured out upon it! It would certainly be well for you to prepare for what's coming!

Concluded in part 7
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

Tess and James Arendt
James & Tess Arendt

My name is James Arendt. I was raised in the Hegewisch neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, served in the USAF from 1970 to 1974, and became a full-time missionary for Christ living 40 years in Japan, 3.5 years in Russia, and a few months in other countries such as Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, South Korea, Taiwan and mainland China where I also served the King of Kings, Jesus, as an Ambassador for His Kingdom. My full bio.

If you like this website, you can show your appreciation by sending me a gift toward my support. My wife Tess and I moved from the island of Guam USA in June 2023 to the city of Allen in the province of Northern Samar, one of the poorer provinces in the Philippines. My only work is maintaining my websites, Deep Truths, and James Japan which costs me $300 per year now. And Tess is ministering to the local people giving them regular Bible Studies in three groups, children, teenagers and adults.

Photos of Tess's Bible study.

You may like my James Japan site as well because it covers subjects that are not covered in Deep Truths such as things like the Climate Change Hoax and the COVID-19 death-jabs.

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